• ChargeCheck.h
  • #pragma once
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <format>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    #include <thread>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <wait.h>
    #include "Functional.h"
    #include "Fork.h"
    class ChargeCheckVars {
        int critical_level; 
        int low_level;
        int full_level; 
        unsigned short charge; 
        bool is_charging; 
        bool is_full;
        bool cnotified, lnotified, inotified, snotified;
        bool stop; 
        ChargeCheckVars(int critical, int low,  int full, bool charge_status) {
            low_level = low;
            critical_level = critical;
            full_level = full;
            snotified = charge_status; 
    // updated code to run on c++ standards.
    class ChargeCheck {
        static inline ChargeCheckVars *variables; 
        static int get_charge() {
            std::ifstream ifs("/sys/class/power_supply/BATT/capacity");
            char data[3]; 
            ifs >> data; 
            auto ret = std::stoi(std::string(data)); 
            variables->charge = ret; 
            return ret; 
        static std::string is_charging() {
            std::ifstream ifs("/sys/class/power_supply/BATT/status");
            char data[14];
            ifs >> data; 
            auto res = std::string(data);
            res = res.substr(0, res.find("ing") + 3); 
            variables->is_charging = res == "Charging"; 
            return {data}; 
        static bool is_charging_bool() {
            std::ifstream ifs("/sys/class/power_supply/BATT/status");
            char data[14];
            ifs >> data; 
            auto res = std::string(data);
            res = res.substr(0, res.find("ing") + 3); 
            return res == "Charging"; 
        static void if_critical(bool is_critical) {
            if(is_critical && !variables->cnotified) {
                send_notify("Critical Battery Level", "You have to plug your charger."); 
                variables->cnotified = true; 
        static void if_low(bool is_low) {
            if(is_low && !variables->lnotified) {
                send_notify("Low Battery Level", "Please plug your computer to the charger."); 
                variables->lnotified = true; 
        static void if_full() {
            if(variables->is_full && !variables->inotified) {
                std::string text = "Charge is " + std::to_string(variables->charge) + ", you can unplug your computer.";
                send_notify("Battery reached the full threshold", text.c_str()); 
                variables->inotified = true; 
        static void send_notify_wrap(const std::string& title, const std::string& message) {
            execlp("notify-send", "notify-send", title.c_str(), message.c_str(), NULL);
        static void send_notify(const std::string& title, const std::string& message) {
            Fork{}.Invoke(FunctionWrapper<void, const std::string&, const std::string&>(send_notify_wrap, title, message)); 
        static void update() {
            while(!variables->stop) {
                using namespace std::chrono_literals;
                variables->is_full = variables->charge >= variables->full_level; 
                if_critical(get_charge() <= variables->critical_level); 
                variables->cnotified = !(variables->charge > variables->critical_level);
                if_low(get_charge() <= variables->low_level); 
                variables->lnotified = !(variables->charge > variables->low_level);
                variables->is_full = !(variables->charge < variables->full_level); 
                if(variables->snotified != variables->is_charging) {
                    send_notify("Charging status changed", std::format("Your battery is {} now.", (variables->is_charging ? "charging" : "discharging")));
                    variables->snotified = variables->is_charging; 